This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from TexasT's tagged with modelrailroading. Make your own badge here.
About Me
- Name: TexasT's
- Location: Houston, Texas, United States
It ain't the years, It's the mileage. I was raised a military brat, and wanderlust still comes over me every 3 or 4 years. Still love to travel.
Previous Posts
- Flickr
- News and Holiday Greetings!
- Where Is TexasT's?
- Temporarily (I hope) Suspending Activity on This Blog
- So For Reasons Beyond My Conrtrol...
- Not too much to report....
- It's No Picnic on EBay!
- Cabeese Update!
- Speaking of Cabeese Part 4 - Good Idea - B-a-a-a-d...
- N Scale in a Picnic Basket! And It's For Sale!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Sunday, December 10, 2006
News and Holiday Greetings!
Hope everyone is having a Joyeaux Noelle! I've sort of made a move from blogger to livejournal. The bulk of my posting activity is going on lj right now! Have you got pictures you want to share? Have you got a flickr.com account? (If you don't have an account, it is pretty easy to sign up for one. And it's free!) I think if you have a Yahoo! photos account you can also join and post, but I'm not sure about that. Come and join the Modelrailroading group and share those great photos! I started this group in 2005 and I also admin for this bunch of train-nuts! This flickr group is about all aspects of Model Railroading - Concepts, design, planning, construction, running trains, models, scenery, you name it. This is the place for it! All Scales are welcome! Post photos, or start a discussion. Currently we have 26 members and are always open to more. Here's a couple of my favoprites... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Come on! Share your Modelrailroading goodness! Hope everyone is having a joyeaux noelle! I've also posted an invite on my liverjournal page http://texasts.livejournal.com/ as well as the modelrailroading community on LJ. http://community.livejournal.com/modelrailroader/ Happy Holidaze! from TexasT's |
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Where Is TexasT's?
He thinks he is moving to LiveJournal. com Why don't you join him there? Same great taste, just more flexibility! TexasT's Invades LiveJournal! I will keep this semi active and probably switch to the NEW blogger because I like some of the features. Right now, though, the majority of my energy is being expended on LiveJournal I will be adding quality MRR content over there, as well! Just haven't been doing much modelrailroading... Join me! As usual, I've got a lot to say about everything! |
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Temporarily (I hope) Suspending Activity on This Blog
Due to the lack of time or inclination, I have decided to suspend activity here. Hopefully soon I can pick it up again. Soon. See my friend Jules' Site for a MRR fix...Brittish Style! Model Tracks UK So this is what this feels like...(Sigh) Check my other space: Sound Off By TexasT's |
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
So For Reasons Beyond My Conrtrol...
I'm off to Chicago or thereabouts and the cheapest way to get there was...You guessed it. By Train... Pictures when I get back...But I've gotta drive to LongView Texas to catch the train so there's no time to lose... See ya at the Station! TexasT's |
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Not too much to report....
Railroading wise. That's because I'm not doing anything MR related. What can I say - It's springtime in Houston. And. My yard needs a lot of work. So...Spending all my spare time outside right now. Before it gets really blistering hot! If you'd like a clue as to what I'm up to, or just need a TexasT's fix, see one of my other spaces: Sound off by TexasT's. What time I can spare for blogging is spent mostly there. It's the best I can offer at the moment. MR soon come...(I hope) |
Saturday, April 01, 2006
It's No Picnic on EBay!
Frriend, Jules, from near Birmingham, UK. Has put his nearly world famous No Picnic up for bid on EBay-UK. Readers of these pages might recognize Jules as this is not his first appearance here. This amazing piece of art was built in a picnic basket. To see more pictures of the layout and other pieces by Jules go to Small World Layouts. Tell 'em Texas T's sent you! If you live in or near Birmingham, I suggest you check it out, before it's too late! Jules thinks I'm upset about the sale. Initially I was just shocked that he could even think about selling it off. But if he can live with it, I know I can too! |