Feb 26, 2006 - Changes completed - for now...

Feb 24, 2006 - Changing my Template! Bear with me. This is a work in Progress!

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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

It ain't the years, It's the mileage. I was raised a military brat, and wanderlust still comes over me every 3 or 4 years. Still love to travel.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Asphalt Modeling

  1. Still have a pile of photos to share from this years home layout tours to share.
  2. Painting rails and ties is progressing.
  3. Found a tub of "The Modeller's Asphalt" in one of my train boxes. You won't believe this stuff!
  4. Got a paint scheme for rock formations that I like (finally) and can live with.
  5. Ballasting has started. Got issues here...
  6. Bought my first "MicroTrains" car. Woo Hoo!
  7. Can I bitch about "NScale" magazine? Sure I can...
  8. Have I done anything with the couplers I've got? No...
  9. Give me a chance...I can crack my tailbone (OUCH!)
"The Modeller's Asphalt" made by Creative Customcraft in Edgemont, PA.

I must've bought this 1 lb tub in the mid to late 90's (right before my divorce, but that's another story). I never used it on my previous layout. I was using emory paper then, painted grimy black.

I found it in a box of my scenicking stuff.

Hmmmmmm. Laid a base of permascene down on a piece of paper. Had to let that dry overnight. The next day I laid a test patch. It looks like it is still viable. Better yet, it looks just like asphalt! Brand new, just laid asphalt!

I cannot find a viable reference for it, or the company on the web.

The road in the pics is about 18 scale feet wide. Has not been sanded or sealed.

Did some research trying to find the company. Didn't come up with much but Walther's had this to say:
Creative Customcraft is listed on Walthers.com along with I.S.L.E. Laboratories (Maybe owned by them?). Walthers Mfg # 473
Walthers Vendor 473
Same folks that bring you
Mountains in Minutes.
Various portals.
Scenery materials.
Rock castings made out of foam. Quite a few of these.
Some kind of scenery foam.

No Website as far as I can tell.

No one on the forums I frequent has seen or heard of the stuff either.

Here's a shot of the stuff on my module at the crossing. I sanded this application though, and it looks pretty good.
Modeling asphalt
I can work with this. Still probably needs to be sealed though. Maybe a coat of Dullcote will do. I'll try that on my test patch jnust to make sure.

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