Feb 26, 2006 - Changes completed - for now...

Feb 24, 2006 - Changing my Template! Bear with me. This is a work in Progress!

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Location: Houston, Texas, United States

It ain't the years, It's the mileage. I was raised a military brat, and wanderlust still comes over me every 3 or 4 years. Still love to travel.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Project: Code 55 Test Track - Progress

Been out on the last couple of weekends looking at folks' layouts and so haven't spent much time working on my little project.

So here's what I have managed to get done...My last post about the track2005_1107 test track0001 indicated I had a set of choices to make. So I guess I went with choice "E". None of the above. What can I say?

Pardon my messy workbench.

I've laid the track, using latex caulk to secure it. The feeders are in and I've tested as I gone along. Looks like I managed to keep it all in guage as well. I've checked it with a NScale guage.

2005_1107 test track0006I've gotta confess...I couldn't wait. Pulled my Kato F7A unit out of the case. Set it on the track. Applied power to the raills...That F7 ran. OhMyGod(!) It ran..After years in the case.

Said a little prayer to the electricity gods...

It balked a little at the lined switch. I think I've got a break in coming. Might have to build a little loop on the floor for that. But she ran thru the curve on the switch like nobody's business. And just as quiet as the first day I put it on tracks.

Kato makes a great product no doubt about it. Wow!

2005_1107 test track0005Ouch! Looks like I need to shim that switchstand a little.

So, I've had some lessons in adhesives courtesy of the Nscale group on Trainboard.com.
No problems with any of them, other than the white caulk sticks out (shows) pretty bad. Will have to do something about that soon. Here's the way I've applied them:
  1. Used white glue to attach track plan (paper) to foamboard.
  2. Used Liquid Nails to attach foamboard to wood.
  3. Used Liquid Nails to attach cork Roadbed to paper covered foamboard.
  4. Used Latex caulk (no silicone) to attach track to roadbed. Bought white 'cuz the local HD was out of (or maybe does not stock) the clear.

Comments on "Project: Code 55 Test Track - Progress"


Blogger guppyman said ... (Monday, November 07, 2005 2:43:00 PM) : 

cool... I was starting to wonder if you were going to post progress pics.... I still haven't made it out to see any layouts yet this month... Hopefully i don't do like last year and just skip em all...


Blogger TexasT's said ... (Monday, November 07, 2005 9:47:00 PM) : 

Man you have got to get out and see some of these layouts. I've been amazed!

Or...you can just wait for me to post some pictures....



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