MoPac Cabeese Any One?
Not much happening with my Test Track Project right now... But I do have three caboose bashes going on. I kinda got a little (Yeah...Right! A little...Hah!) sidetracked by a thread on Trainboard - Kitbashing a MoPac Caboose. I've been a little busy with these... For the un-initiated, MoPac is short for the Missouri Pacific Railroad. It's one of my favorite roads. The Colonel(administrator paul), an Aussie N Scaler of some note, resides in Sydney, Australia, started the thread. He started with a MoPac Short Bay Window Caboose or "SBW". He did 2 of these and then moved on to a modified cupola caboose and this is where I started really paying attention. He then went through a "Transfer Caboose" which looked to me like a modified Standard Steel Welded (or SSW) hack. Then an Extended Vision (EV). By the way - Paul will have a published article in the next issue of NScale Railroading Magazine - Congrats Paul! (All of the picture links in the above paragraph of "Preserved Cabeese" are from Elvin Klepzig's site on Preserved Missouri Pacific Cabboses on his Doniphan Branch Railway pages - Thanx Elvin! Except for the Trainboard link) I thought to myself, "You could do a couple of these...Just for a stretch and something different to do.."Well, it turned into another "Test" for TexasT's. Painting and detailing were okay, but decaling, Oh my God, you'd have thought I'd never built a model in my life. (well, it has been a while, but still). So, I've got three in the pipeline now. A Standard Steel Riveted or SSR. A Long Bay Window (LBW) and an Extended Vision (EV). These are coming along nicely but it is taking longer than I thought it would. Mostly because of the atrophied modeling skills of your host. My SSR bash started life as a Atlas standard caboose lettered for Missouri Pacific. The LBW started as an Con-Cor, MOW caboose. And the Extended Vision Cab was an Atlas EV caboose lettered for Seaboard Coast Line. I've had to, because of some silly assed mistakes, strip the Long Bay Window (Ithink I'm up to) three times now. And the SSR twice(!) I was going to document these bashes, but by the time I remembered to get the dang camera, I was already too far along. So I'll have finished photos, but nothing in progress unless I start in the middle. And Pilgrim, that just ain't gonna happen... So I have these three in various stages of UN-assembly:
So there you have it...Hope to finish one or two this weekend...And pictures next week! Thanx and a tip o' the hat to the Colonel for the inspiration. |
Comments on "MoPac Cabeese Any One?"
Thanks for those kind words, look forward to seeing your completed caboose